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- Документ2.3. Управлінські аспекти формування економіко-енергетичної безпеки України на засадах сталого розвитку(Полтава: Полтавське відділення академії наук технологічної кібернетики України. Видавництво ПП «Астрая», 2023) Климчук, О. В.; Корнійчук, О. В.; Яременко, О. І.У колективній монографії викладено результати досліджень щодо захисту і відновлення екологічної рівноваги та забезпечення самовідновлення екосистем. Розглянуто питання щодо відновлення деградованих і забруднених земель та ґрунтів з використанням інноваційних технологій. Розкрито питання розвитку та впровадження альтернативних джерел енергії. Наведено напрями екологізації сільськогосподарського виробництва та переробки продукції. Досліджено стан і напрями подолання екологічного забруднення екосистем через воєнні дії в Україні. Розраховано на науковців, викладачів, керівників і спеціалістів органів державного управління, фахівців агроформувань, аспірантів, студентів і всіх, хто цікавиться питаннями щодо відновлення екологічної рівноваги та забезпечення самовідновлення екосистем.
- Документ3.7. ФОРМУВАННЯ КОМУНІКАТИВНОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ В ДІЛОВОМУ ДИСКУРСІ ПІД ЧАС ВИВЧЕННЯ АНГЛІЙСЬКОЇ МОВИ ПРОФЕСІЙНОГО СПРЯМУВАННЯ(Katowice: University of Technology, 2021) Іщук Н. Ю.Розвиток сучасної світової економіки та міжнародних зв’язків пов’язаний з процесом глобалізації сучасного суспільства. Фахівцям, що працюють в багатокультурному середовищі, необхідно знати, як працювати в нових, часто складних умовах, як розуміти культурне різноманіття та етичні проблеми. Комунікативна компетентність – навичка, яка високо цінується працедавцями, – є важливою для встановлення відповідних міжособистісних та професійних відносин, що дозволяють зміцнити довіру та привести до успішного спілкування на робочому місці. Розвиток комунікативної компетентності, що дозволяє працівникам поліпшити якість міжособистісних відносин на робочому місці, вимагає формування вербальної та невербальної компетентності. Правильний вибір лексичних одиниць може сприяти ефективності спілкування на робочому місці так само, як використання нелінгвістичних елементів або міжкультурних знань.
- Документ50 відтінків N2: про одну модель прецедентних синтаксичних фразеологізмів(2020) Ситар, Г.В.
- ДокументA STRUCTURE-BASED STUDY OF NOMINAL IDIOMS IN BUSINESS DISCOURSE(München, Deutschland: Europäische Wissenschaftsplattform, 2020-12-25) Nataliia Ishchuk; Karyna HorkunUsing idioms in everyday life makes our speech more saturated and expressive. Understanding the lexicon of English demands more than knowing the denotative meaning of words. Despite the enormous popularity of idioms used worldwide, they often pose challenges in learning their meaning and translating them into Ukrainian. These difficulties arise due to the discrepancies between approaches to morphological classification of idiomatic expressions in the English and the Ukrainian languages, because the structure of an idiom follows the structure of the language in which it emerged.
- ДокументA THEMATIC STUDY OF IDIOMS IN BUSINESS DISCOURSE(Вінниця: ВДПУ імені М. Коцюбинського, 2020-11-25) Наталія ІЩУКIdioms as the object of linguistics are of particular interest because they reflect the people’s rich historical experience as well as everyday life. Besides, they are very common, and their understanding and translation pose a challenge. Like any other discourse, business discourse abounds in phraseological units that need to be carefully studied. There is also an urgent need in shifting from the traditional approach to presenting idioms one-by-one and quite incidentally to presenting them under thematic categories
- ДокументAcademic management in war conditions: Chronicles of aggression and resistance experience of Ukrainian universities(Суми: LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”, 2023-04-10) Serhiy Kozmenko; Yuriy Danko; Serhii KozlovskyiThe full-scale aggression unleashed by the russian invaders against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, became an unexpected horror that struck the life of this European country. The war radically changed absolutely everything and for everyone. It has crippled the fate of millions of innocent people, claimed the lives of tens of thousands. The crazy decisions of the russian leadership and the influx of its hordes have turned a huge number of Ukrainian cities and towns into hell. Destroyed or damaged urban infrastructure, homes and businesses, hospitals and schools. These monsters did not spare the universities either.
- ДокументActivity and isoenzyme composition of peroxidase in the vegetative organs of Japanese quince under steppe zone conditions(Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2017) Prisedsky, Yuriy; Kabar, Anatoliy; Lykholat, Yuriy; Martynova, Nadezhda; Shupranova, LarysaParameters of peroxidase complex are indicators of the adaptable processes which are taking place in plants under the environment influence. In this work the general activity dynamics and peroxidase isoenzyme composition in vegetative organs of Japanese quince (Chaenomeles Lindl.) were studied. The four species introduced in a steppe zone of Ukraine were researched: Ch. japonica (Thunb.) Lindl., Ch. speciosa (Sweet) Nak., Ch. cathayensis (Hemsl.) Schneid., Ch. × superba (Frahm) Red.). It was determined that the enzyme activity of these species possesses specific features subject to the phases of seasonal development and in response to the action of the hydrothermal stress. The highest enzyme activity in the period of intensive growth and flowering, with a subsequent sharp drop towards the middle of summer and further smoother decrease during the phase of physiological rest were observed in the leaves of Ch. speciosa and Ch. cathayensis. A higher peroxidase activity was a characteristic of Ch. japonica and Ch. × superba in the middle of the vegetative period, which can be considered a display of adaptation processes in the conditions of an unfavourable hydrothermal regime. The dynamics of changes in the quantitative composition of isoperoxidases was similar to the dynamics of enzyme activity. As a result of the generalization of the obtained data it is possible to consider that Ch. japonica and Ch. × superba are the steadiest in the conditions of the region.
- ДокументAd vocem(2019) Komisaruk, Ewa; Malej, Izabella
- ДокументAksjologiczna jedność a kulturowa różnorodność Europy w świetle filozofii społecznej Karola Wojtyły - Jana Pawła II(2009) Modrzejewski, Arkadiusz
- ДокументAlgorithm for the complement of orthogonal operations(Prague, Czech Republic: COMMENTATIONES MATHEMATICAE UNIVERSITATIS CAROLINAE, 2018-02-15) Fryz, Iryna V.G. B. Belyavskaya and G. L. Mullen showed the existence of a comple ment for a k-tuple of orthogonal n-ary operations, where k < n, to an n-tuple of orthogonal n-ary operations. But they proposed no method for complementing. In this article, we give an algorithm for complementing a k-tuple of orthogonal n-ary operations to an n-tuple of orthogonal n-ary operations and an algorithm for complementing a k-tuple of orthogonal k-ary operations to an n-tuple of orthogonal n-ary operations. Also we find some estimations of the number of complements.
- ДокументANALYSIS OF ECONOMIC-FINANCIAL EXPERIENCE OF THE WORLD COUNTRIES IN THE SYSTEM OF PENSION INSURANCE(Riga: Publishing House “Baltija Publishing, 2020-01) Koval, Natalia; Priamuhina, Natalia; Zhmurko, InnaThe purpose of this article is to analyze the experience of pension insurance systems in Europe, Asia, North and South America, Australia. The defining feature is that the existing pension insurance system in Ukraine does not perform its main task properly, since the rate of pension, for the most part, does not make it possible to maintain a decent standard of living for current pensioners. After analyzing the implementation of the pension reform in Ukraine, it should be emphasized that during the twelve-year period after the pension reform in the country there remain a number of unresolved issues regarding the pension provision of citizens, namely: aging of the population, which is one of the main factors that prompt the government to a new stage of reforming the pension system; the presence of arrears on contributions to compulsory state pension insurance; lack of proper differentiation of pension payments; shadow wages; lack of sound financial instruments for investing pension assets; unsatisfactory level of legal and financial awareness of the population in matters of pension provision; lack of interest of employers in financing non-state pension programs for employees, lack of confidence in the pension system of non-state pension funds. Methods. In most countries of the world, the problems of the pension system, same to what we have in our country, arose. But due to pension reform, they achieved successful results. Each country chose its own way of building a pension system based on its own demographic and socioeconomic features. However, despite this, the main task of any pension system is to secure from poverty and provide a pension that could guarantee a decent standard of living for a pensioner. Results. Ukraine is trying to build the pension insurance system, drawing on the best practice of the countries studied. Practical implications. It is found that the most effective and successful model of the pension system is considered to be Chilean, since the country has been using cumulative and voluntary pension systems for a long time, which are priority and allow to resolve the pension of their citizens financially, prudent and efficient investing of pension funds with lower rates of public investment income. The same model was taken as the basis in Peru, Argentina, Colombia and Kazakhstan. Value/originality. Analyzing the pension reforms implemented in Eastern Europe, it should be noted that part of the changes was due to the need to protect pensioners from poverty in the context of a sharp decrease in the rate of pensions because of the reduction of total pension contributions and the inability of the state to finance previous pension obligations. The real way to reduce the financial burden on employers and the state in the context of a solidarity pension system was to develop levels II and III of the pension system. It is noteworthy to study the foreign experience of the Eastern European country, such as Poland, which was one of the first to introduce a compulsory funded pension system.
- ДокументANALYSIS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL ADAPTATION OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES(University of Technology, Katowice, 2021) Overchuk, Victoriya; Bozhenko, VladislavaThe article provides a theoretical analysis of research on the problems of psychological formation and adaptation of freshmen with disabilities, which are due to the new social situation of their development in free economic education, inadequate attitudes and self-acceptance of their disability, communication difficulties and relationships with classmates and teachers. The authors propose and scientifically substantiate the model of the process of social and psychological adaptation of disabled freshmen as a complex dynamic process of an individual's entry into a new situation of development, changes in personal states, behavioral reactions, personality traits. According to her, the authors claim that students' maladaptation is characterized by inadequate self-esteem, psychogenic reactions, emotional instability, anxiety, low motivation for achievement and academic success. The process of social and psychological adaptation of students with disabilities affects the change of motivational, cognitive, emotional and behavioral areas of personality.
- ДокументANALYSIS OF SCIENTIFIC APPROACHES IN THE FORMATION OF THE SOCIAL POLICY OF THE STATE(University of Technology, Katowice, 2021) Overchuk, Viktoriya
- ДокументApproaches to Business Writing in ESP Classroom(2018) Іщук, Н.Ю.
- ДокументApproaches to evaluation of the agriculture competitiveness level: empirical evidence in Ukraine(2021) Patyka, Nataliia; Khodakivska, Olga; Pronko, Lyudmila; Kolesnyk, Tetyina; Klymchuk, Oleksandr; Kamenschuk, Bogdan; Zayed, Nurul MohammadIn the article methodological approaches to assessing the Ukraine’s agriculture competitiveness have been substantiated. In particular, an algorithm and evaluation toolkit have been developed, which includes the calculation of the integrated index of agricultural competitiveness based on the generalization of six partial indices: the level of economic development of the industry, the efficiency of management of the production process, profitability, financial stability and solvency, business activity in the industry, efficiency of sales management and goods promotion on the markets, participation in foreign economic activity.Based on the developed methodology, an estimation of the competitiveness of Ukraine’s agriculture for 2013-2017 was carried out. The obtained results showed that the positive dynamics of the index integrated of agricultural competitiveness first of all was determined by indicators of profitability, production process management, financial stability and solvency. A downward factor was the low rate of Ukrainian agriculture’s participation in foreign economic activity, namely, the growth of imports and insignificant volumes of foreign investment.The versatility of an integrated index of competitiveness allows to make a comparative assessment of the industries competitiveness level within the national economy and to determine to what extent some of them are capable of becoming the locomotive of theUkrainian economy in international markets. This creates the possibility of developing an effective economic policy to support the most competitive industries based on a rational allocation of public funds, and to form a long-term competitive policy of the state at the sectoral level. The spread of the practice of international comparisons in the future will allow determiningwhat factors provide competitive advantages for agriculture in international markets and which ones need to be strengthened.
- ДокументApriority of time and space perception as a split of reality(Вінниця: ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса, 2022) Matsyshyna, I. V.While studying the mechanisms of information perception and relying on a priori theory by Kant, questions related to visual communication are raised. If the subject, according to I. Kant, possesses a priori contemplation due to which he percepts time and space, then how he uses this mechanism during visual communication? When a transcendental subject uses the synthesis of judgments in visual texts, which is the experience of perception of the real world time and space, whether the opposite effect is possible? How the experience of perception of time and space in the real world influences the approximate practice of the subject’s behavior in the virtual world? These questions allowed us to hypothesize the loss of boundaries between the real and the virtual dimensions on the example of the visual text’s study. In this study, we focused on the first stage of apriority – contemplation. The phenomena of space and time, represented through certain variables in the visual text, have become the main research objects. In the first phase of the study, we analyze these variables based on the concept of image analysis by G. Kress and T. van Leeuwen. In the second phase, we turn to M. Foucault’s theory of heterotopia to define how badly the subject loses the boundary between the real and the virtual. Thus, among the methodological foundations of the study, we applied the theory of a priori by I. Kant, the heterotopia theory of M. Foucault, as well as the analysis of images by G. Kress and T. van Leeuwen. When a subject finds himself between two realities, it is difficult to prove where objectivity and where subjectivity is, because the act of seeing is predictable. Apriority of contemplation used in the perception of objects in different spaces gives impressions and emotions. And it splits the subject even more, as the demarcation line between virtual and real spaces is lost. The predicted mechanical procedure of reading visual texts can be not only a technique to influence the behavior, but indicate the personal loss of the subject, which has already violated the boundaries between virtual and real worlds.
- ДокументAssessing the probability of bankruptcy when investing in cryptocurrency(Суми: ТОВ «Консалтингова видавнича компанія «Перспективи бізнесу», 2022-09-14) Serhii Kozlovskyi; aroslav Petrunenko; Hennadii Mazur; Vira Butenko; Natalya IvanyutaThe cryptocurrency market is not regulated, people and companies wishing to invest in cryptocurrency do not have the same protection as when investing in other assets. In the absence of information and regulatory laws, investors should decide if cryptocurrencies make sense for their financial goals and what kind of investment strategy to choose not to go bankrupt. The aim of the study is to determine the probability of “tail events” and to assess in this way the probability of bankruptcy when investing in cryptocurrency using the Monte Carlo method. The analysis is carried out on the period from September 1, 2014 up to July 1, 2022. Despite the fact that today there are more than 10,000 types of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin was chosen to assess the probability of bankruptcy. The reason is that Bitcoin is the world’s first decentralized cryptocurrency and its data is stored in a long-term history, which allows testing a long-term investment strategy. Besides, Bitcoin has not gone through a period of persistent inflation that makes the result of testing a short-term investment strategy more reliable. To date, there are around 25 million Bitcoin holders, representing 42.2% of the crypto market. Almost all cryptocurrencies have been proven to follow Bitcoin. The probability of bankruptcy for a short-term cryptocurrency investment strategy is about 17%-23%. For a long-term cryptocurrency investment strategy, the probability of bankruptcy fluctuates from 13% to 16%. Contrary to popular belief, investors looking to avoid bankruptcy should prefer a long-term strategy. The best way for cryptocurrency investors to protect themselves from bankruptcy is to alternate long and short investment periods.
- ДокументAssessment and evaluation in problem-based learning in the course of training students majoring in engineering(Poland: The Central and Eastern European Online Library, 2012) Alexander GERTSIY; Nataliia ISHCHUKThe article deals with the methods for assessments and evaluation of knowledge and professional skills of students’ majoring in engineering in the course of their problem-based learning. Offered are the methods for testing and evaluating students’ theoretical knowledge, practical skills and logical-analytical thinking. Shown are the results of the experiment, which prove that PBL promotes students’ confidence in their problem-solving skills which can be of benefit to their future courses and in careers
- ДокументASSESSMENT OF FORMATION OF STUDENTS’ SOFT SKILLS IN HIGHER EDUCATION(Riga, Latvia: “Baltija Publishing”, 2020-09-25) Sereda, HannaConference proceedings are devoted to the priority development fields of the European research area. General issues of the engineering, philological, pedagogical, legal, economic sciences, history of art, agriculture and so on are considered. The publication is designed for scientists, lecturers, postgraduate students, students, as well as for the general readers.
- ДокументAssessment of public welfare in Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and economy digitalization(Суми: LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business Perspectives”, 2021-03-18) Serhii Kozlovskyi; Iaroslav Petrunenko; Viktoriia Baidala; Viktoriia Myronchuk; Tetiana KulinichWith the emergence of the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, a process of transformation of the modern economic system took place, which requires new approaches to assessing economic processes. One of such processes is the assessment of public welfare. The purpose of this study is to develop an approach to assessing the level of public welfare of the population of Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and economy digitalization. To solve this problem, the methods of artificial intelligence, in particular the method of fuzzy sets theory, which allows using the incomplete information and making high-quality forecast calculations, are used. The factors influencing the level of public welfare during the COVID-19 pandemic have been identified. These are the following factors: gross domestic product, poverty rate, welfare index, human development index, subsistence level, and indicators that characterize the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e. the total number of COVID-19 cases, the total number of deaths from COVID-19, and the total number of vaccinations from COVID-19 in Ukraine). Using fuzzy sets theory, an economic-mathematical model for assessing the level of public welfare in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine was built. Two-dimensional dependences of the level of public welfare of Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic on indicators such as gross domestic product, subsistence level, and the total number of cases of COVID-19 in Ukraine were obtained. The results of the study established that the level of public welfare in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic on the 0-100 scale is predicted to be as follows points: 2021 – 17, 2022 – 23, 2023 – 27, 2024 – 19, 2025 – 35 and will not meet international standards.