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Вінниця: ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса
The article generalizes the periods of formation of NGOs, including the modern period. It analyses the activity of NGOs during the period of full membership if Poland in the European Union on the basis of cooperation with the government as well as of the number of organizations, fields of their activity. The article determines the main types of classification, actualizes the typology by fields of activity taking into consideration the Euro-integrational vector of Poland. Attention is focused on the territorial and quantitative components of NGO functioning. The article determines the main pro-European organizations, which operated in the context European integration of Poland and facilitated the formation of civil society in Poland and the popularization of European ideas through the attraction of international financing. The study defined the peculiarities of NGO functioning during the period European integration, that were represented by the cooperation of NGOs with the governmental and the business, which was reflected in the development of awareness raising programs, creation of the strategy and the program for implementation of a policy aimed at civil society development. The authors conclude that after Poland gained full membership in the European Union in 2004, the cooperation with European funds strengthened and, according to the adopted Programs of the European Union for 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, was aimed at the implementation of not only European, but also social projects. It has been determined that during the period of Poland’s full membership in the European Union, NGOs continue to develop within the European vector. At the current stage of development of Polish NGOs, they do not only perform the function of grant receiver from the EU funds, but also provide support in the issues related to European integration.
Стаття у виданні ДонНУ імені Василя Стуса SSN 2519-2949 (Print); 2519-2957 (Online) «ПОЛІТИЧНЕ ЖИТТЯ» 2 – 2021
Ключові слова
Європейська інтеграція, громадські організації, фонди, фінансування, процеси, стратегія, European integration, NGOs, funds, financing, processes, strategy
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