Наукові та навчально-методичні публікації
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Перегляд Наукові та навчально-методичні публікації за Ключові слова "a personality"
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Результатів на сторінці
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- ДокументПСИХОЛОГІЧНІ ОСОБЛИВОСТІ СТУДЕНТІВ З ОСОБЛИВИМИ ПОТРЕБАМИ В УМОВАХ НАВЧАННЯ У ВНЗ(2017) Оверчук В.А., Кушнір Ю.В.This article analyzed psychological-pedagogical problems of students with special needs personality in educational conditions of university. Psychological analysis of personality`s development connected with learning process of personality`s development in youth, ways of solving the problem of professional development, self-determination and entering in independent adult life. The authors emphasize that for successful, effective pedagogical, psychological, social work with students with special needs it is necessary to know the psychological and pedagogical difficulty that can kinder the productive interaction of psychologists, teachers, social workers. Development of students with special needs, his consciousness under the influence of various social factors leads to what can happen or not to resolve the contradictions, which ultimately leads to the adaptation or disadaptation of the individual. The pedagogical problems faced by teachers of higher educational institutions during work with students with disabilities are highlighted.