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- ДокументTHE INFLUENCE OF COGNITIVE PREJUDICES ON GROUP BELIEFS OF AVERAGE RUSSIANS(Болгарія: Promising scientific researches of Eurasian scholars, 2022-10) Overchuk, ViktoriiaThe article examines the cognitive biases of Russians that have led to widespread support for the Kremlin's criminal policies, which distort thinking, influence beliefs, and affect the decisions and judgments Russians make every day. The author notes that the rapid pace of publication of messages and news releases, as well as the perceived need to quickly respond to them, encourages the Russian population to "think fast" (reflexively and emotionally) as opposed to "thinking slowly" (rationally and prudently). Such concepts as cognitive biases and logical errors are distinguished. Cognitive biases are viewed as systematic errors in thinking that arise as a result of processing and interpreting information in the surrounding world that influence the decisions and judgments of the population. According to the author, it was cognitive prejudices that influenced the formation of individual and group beliefs and behavior of Russians in favor of the tactical or strategic goals of the aggressor, the subjugation of society without the use of direct force or coercion.
- ДокументPECULIARITIES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLYING AMONG TEENAGE GIRLS(2020) Overchuk, ViktoriiaThe article is devoted to the phenomenon of teenage violence, which is very important among specialists in the field of psychology, education and social work. There is a lack of scientific researches in Ukraine, which would reveal the peculiarities of this phenomenon in terms of sexual and age peculiarities. The author states that teenage girls, unlike boys, clearly direct bullying on a particular person, and definitely choose its vulnerable place. Female bullying is more veiled and outwardly less noticeable, but more effective. Key words: bullying; peculiarity; aggression; tender; age crisis.
- ДокументPrevention of the Development of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in People who have experienced an Armed Conflict in the East of Ukraine(2019) Overchuk, ViktoriiaArmed confrontation in the South-East of Ukraine, considerable impoverishment of the population, the lack of a comprehensive national policy in the interests of citizens – these and many other factors led to the development of the management experiences of the individual, that cause the intellectual, spiritual, emotional and physical tension man. Today, almost two million Ukrainians are forced to leave their homes, fundamentally change their life structure and search for new housing, thousands in recent years, died in a result of armed conflict, and hundreds of them officially recognized missing. Psychological assistance is necessary for all civil and military people who went through or were affected by the war. The large-scale traumatic experience is new and atypical of the modern and independent Ukraine. The majority of participants of antiterroristic operation (ATO) come back suffering from acute stress disorder. Yet, they lack skills and knowledge of how to deal with the psychological state and feelings they are experiencing. It is important to emphasize the fact that this phenomenon has impact not only on the combatants, but also on their close surrounding – family, friends, acquaintances, who often don’t know how to behave and react. The most vulnerable category is children who have not yet formed the compensatory mechanisms, for they can adopt the symptoms from their close surrounding – parents or other relatives. Functional complaints, sleep disorder and disadaptation, posttraumatic stress disorder are common reactions of mind to stressful or lifethreatening situations. Not all of this, could but affect both at the level of public consciousness, and on an individual system of social attitudes and value orientations of the individual, i.e. on the viability of the individual. Any crisis is individual phenomenon, as the definition of its complexity is determined by the same individual, depending on its perception, assessment and interpretation, subjective significance of this situation. That is why, it is essential to provide efficient and timely help to the families that suffer from such disorder.
- ДокументPROBLEMS OF OVERCOMING SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL ISOLATION OF PERSONS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE ECONOMIC CRISIS IN UKRAINE(2020) Overchuk, ViktoriiaThis article dedicates to psychological aspects of overcoming problem with social isolation of persons with special needs, limited ability for their communication, their leisure organisation, education, getting a profession, finding a possible income. The peculiarities of the psychological barriers that impede the integration of persons with special needs into society are considered.
- ДокументPSYCHOLOGICAL COMPATIBILITY OF SERVICEMEN AS THE BASIS FOR THE COHESION OF THE MILITARY COLLECTIVE OF(Germany, Sergeieva&Co, Karlsruhe, 2022) Overchuk, ViktoriiaThe article is devoted to the study of cohesion of servicemen as one of the important factors determining the nature of interaction in the military collective. The author emphasizes that the cohesion of servicemen largely depends on: psychological compatibility of servicemen, combination of their psychological qualities, which would allow them to participate peacefully in joint combat activities, the basis of which is correspondence of individual temperamental properties and socio-psychological compatibility of wrestlers, which reflects their professional and moral qualities. According to the author, compatibility is one of the most important conditions for group cohesion and effectiveness of activities in combat conditions. It was noted that military psychologists and unit commanders should pay great attention to the recruitment of small military units based on three levels of psychological compatibility of military personnel: psychological (compatibility of temperaments); professional (compatibility of ideas about military activities); value-orientated (consistency of value orientations of servicemen).
- ДокументPSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING METHODOLOGY FOR OVERCOMING A LIFE CRISIS(UNIV FED SAO CARLOS, 2021-08) Overchuk, Viktoriia; Yaroshchuk, Marianna; Danylchenko, Tetiana; Litvinova, Anastasiia; Absalyamova, LarysaThe aim of the present study is to determine a set of interconnected methods and techniques of psychological counseling in overcoming life crises for clients of all ages. In an online survey, 182 psychologists-practitioners (Ukraine) took part. The list of positive and negative elements of normative crises in human life according to four life stages was outlined. It was determined, that in order to reveal the life crisis of patients at the age of 20-23 years practical psychologists recommend using the following methods: analysis of the content of metaphors, psychological testing within the framework of personality constructs and the specialized method of semantic differential. Practical psychologists recommend the following techniques for identifying the life crisis of patients aged 27-33 years: psychotherapy based supervision models, developmental supervision models, and social role models. Practicing psychologists recommend the following techniques for identifying the life crisis of patients aged 39-45 years: developmental supervision models and social role models. For revealing of life crisis of patients at the age of 55-65 years old practical psychologists recommend using the technique of the structured diagnostic interview.
- ДокументStigmatization of people with disability as a psychological barrier towards integration to social life(2019) Overchuk, ViktoriiaToday, for Ukraine the problem of stigmatizing people with certain physical health disorders is actual. The implementation of social programs, actions and initiatives direct to the comprehensive rehabilitation of people with certain physical health disorders and realization their potential, despite all other factors; it is significantly slowed down by the fact that there is a set of persistent negative stereotypes in Ukrainian society regarding such people. Stigmatization of people with disability as a social group is becoming increasingly significant socio-cultural phenomenon. At the same time, the mechanisms of stigmatization are also manifested at the level of self-identification. People with disability may have at least three stigma strategies: the acceptance, speculation of illness and resistance. Particularly painful this question is for those with disability who strive for full value working life and professional realization. Stigmatization is quite close to discrimination. In addition, the causes of the problem are not only physical defects of people with disability. First, there is a high level of corruption in Ukraine and there are people who have made a disability for money. Certainly, after that, the society will be sceptical and suspicious for all people with disability, who do not have the physical manifestations of disability. Discrimination can be manifested in various forms when hiring and in the process of employment, on a daily attitude towards the person with the disability. The problem of discrimination and stigmatization of people with disability remains acute both in Ukraine and in other countries of the world. However, it is obvious that the formal prohibition of discrimination at the state level does not eliminate this problem. Particularly painful is the question for those people with disability who see a fulfilling working life and professional realization. To removal the problem of discrimination and stigmatization, the scientists suggest work in two ways: to take action with those who are stigmatized and discriminated and with those who stigmatizes and discriminates, which requires different methods of solving the problem. Working with people with disability should help them to take an active life position, and this should be supported by appropriate rehabilitation, training, counselling and infrastructure arrangements. In turn, the working with others should be directed to developing a conscious vision of the problems of people with disability, understanding and tolerance. Thus, one of the important measures in the medium and long term is to carry out the scientific research on various topics, aimed at studying the problems of people with disability, the effectiveness and efficiency of individual measures of their (re-) integration; behaviour of society and individual groups of the population towards people with disability, the opportunities for participation of certain groups of people with disability in such types of work which were previously unavailable to them.
- ДокументПроблема комунікації у сфері соціального захисту осіб з інвалідністю(Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського. Вінниця: ФОП Корзун Д.Ю., 2020) Overchuk, Viktoriia